Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I Want Have Better Confidence and Energy, So I do 4 Morning Routines Every Day (良い自信と力があるために、毎朝4つルーチンやっている)

"そよ風が吹いて小鳥がさえずる何気ない毎日の風景窓の外は朝日が舞い降りる笑顔で「いってらっしゃい」(Funky Monkey Babys - 未来の君へ)

This article is the continuous "I Quit Job Hunting To Follow My Passion and Achieve My Dream" article that I posted last week.

So, in the last article, I share my dream, passion, and achievement. However, to achieve that, I CHANGE MY LIFESTYLE in order to be stronger man, better self-confidence, and better positive attitude.

Why change lifestyle? Because I think to achieve our dream, we have to start from ourselves. I need to be more discipline in my life, I want to make myself happy first before I make others happy, and I want to be more confidence to myself. If I want have happy life, then I have to know how to make myself happy. I change my lifestyle isn't because 'I must' but 'I want and I choose to change'.

I divide into two session. In this article, I want to share the morning routine that I always do before starting my activity. In the next article, I will share the habit and behavior that I try to change.

In my opinion, morning is the most important time in our life. It's a start line for our day! Before I do my activity, I want to make sure I start my day in good way so that I can have better outcome from what I do in one day.

First, I want to share the 4 morning routine that i'm doing now to have the best mood, energy, and concentration for one day.

1. I sleep early and wake up before sunrise

Y'know, I sleep 9-10 pm every day and wake up before sunrise based on morning prayer time (for Muslim)

And y'know what's my friends reaction when I'm saying this?



I'm just laughing when I hear their reaction. Well, I can understand why their react like that!

Now, let me ask you this questions:

1. What's wrong with sleep early and wake up before sunrise?
2. So, if we're adult we have to sleep late night and wake up in late time? Like 10 pm or 12 pm?
3. Are you feel good or fresh when you're sleep late night and wake up late morning?
4. Are you feel ready to start your day by wake up late? Are you feel "oh this is good day"?
5. Why don't you try sleep earlier and wake up early morning and feel the outcome?

Let me tell you this my friend:

Based on Research from Roehampton University, England, sleeping 7-8 hours per day and wake up in early morning can make you have a better mood, better health, and more happy.
ルーハンプトン大学研究によると1日7-8時間寝たり朝早い時間に起きたりすれば良い気分、 良い健康、もっと幸せにできるという。

Moreover, Forbes also mention that various studies have shown that if you wake up earlier you can be more optimistic and satisfaction.

Last but not least, on 1997, Researcher from Pennsylvania University reported people who sleep less than 5 hours per days for seven days led to stress, anger, sadness, and mental fatigue.

In my case, actually I always sleep early and wake up before sunrise before I come to Japan. But since coming here, I couldn't do it anymore because the university life and there's no parents who always waking me up. I keep wake up early just for pray but after that I always sleep. However, now I'm back to my past lifestyle in the last 2 months. I wake up and I keep wake up not back to my bed Now, I can do it consistently even though for the first time it's hard and challenging.

So,  you still want to ask me those kind questions why I sleep and wake up early? Are you still thinking that sleep and wake up early is only for child? Why don't you try and feel the result?

Think again my friend!

2. I eat healthy breakfast every day

For those who often skip or underestimate breakfast, read this carefully!

2.1. Breakfast can improves your mood 

According to a 1999 study in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior of 144 volunteers, people who eat breakfast have a better mood and were even calmer. No matter what age you are, eating breakfast every morning will make you feel less restless and irritable. 

2.2. Breakfast can improves concentration 

A study published in the October 2008 issue of “Indian Pediatrics,", eat breakfast can boost concentration. During sleep, the main source of the brain's energy, glucose, decrease, and hence the help from breakfast.

And here's my breakfast menu:

As you can see in picture above, I have:

1. Bread (carbohydrate)
2. Salad (Fiber)
3. Boiled Egg (protein)
4. Apple (Vitamin)
5. Milk (Calcium)
6. Additional hot drink like ginger, coffee and green tea

Well, simple breakfast and you can buy it in supermarket. As you can see in some research studies that I mentioned above, breakfast can improves our mood and concentration. Then, I choose the menus that I show you in picture above as my breakfast menu to boost my energy and keep my best mood so that I can do my activity productively.

How i can have breakfast time even I busy? Well, I wake up earlier in the morning so I still have plenty time to eat breakfast. For example, if I wake up at 4:30 am, then probably I will eat breakfast at 6 am.

If I wake up a little bit late, then at least I eat bread and drink a milk. For me, breakfast is very important in order to burst my energy, concentration, and mood to start my day.

So, Have you eat breakfast today? Are you often skip and underestimate breakfast?

3. I do simple exercise

Based on several studies, doing exercise can benefit:
  1. Mental Health (精神衛生) 
  2. Relationship (人間関係)
  3. Lead to healthier (健康的な)
  4. Happier life overall (幸福人生)
In my case, every day I do exercise two times a day; morning and afternoon. Usually, I do exercise at home but I also go to gym at least 3 times in one week. Sometimes I do morning exercise at home and afternoon exercise at gym.

Here's my daily:

1. Push up 10x4 times
2. Dumbbell up and down 5 kg 25x4 times
3. Sit up 25x4 times

4. Back up 25x4 times

5. Squat 25x4 times

Sorry if the picture aren't good enough hahaha!

Anyway, it's easy exercise and you can do whenever you want and wherever you are. Doing exercise every day can give me more confidence to start my activity.

Basically, I don't have obsession to have big muscle and macho body. I refuse to consume any protein supplement or other stuff like that. My objective is to be healthier and confidence. So, I don't mind if I can't have a big body muscle.

If I'm too busy, at least I do exercise once a day. Morning is the most possible time for me to do exercise if I have busy day.

So, have you done exercise for today? If not, why don't you try do exercise every day at least once a day?

4. I pray Dhuha every morning (For Muslims)

Well, maybe this one is only for Muslims but if you have religion, and you have spiritual activity in the morning why don't you try? Or, you can do some kind of meditation or yoga to calm yourself so that you can do your activity better. It will be good for you I think.

Because in my opinion, physically stronger for start your day isn't enough. Spiritually is also important. As Muslim, I have a God that I must worship. One day I must pray 5 times. However, there are a lot of optional (sunnah) pray that can give Muslims benefit. For morning optional pray is Dhuha pray.

I believe that God will give me protection and power to start my activity. I believe if i get closer to God, whatever activity that I do, God will help me to do my best in my activity.

My believe to my God give me better confidence when I do my activity.

Life is choice! It's not old fashion phrase but it's true! I have a big dream and achievement in my life and I choose to follow it with my passion. To realize my big dream, I choose to change one of my lifestyle in the morning to be happy every day.

I do with simple way and start from small thing. Don't underestimate it! Because simple and small things can be big things someday. Like I said in my last article, I start from what I have and what I can.

However, change need time. I can't expect I can be whatever I want in one night. There's no instant change in this life! Everything need time and its process. I need to be discipline and consistent to keep this lifestyle. My enemy isn't haters or others. My enemy is myself! And I won't lose against myself.

Once again I told you, I do this not because 'I must'. It's because 'I want', 'I choose to', and 'I need to do'. This is one of my way to be stronger man in order to fulfill my dream.

This article isn't finish yet because the next article I will talk about 'how I change my behavior and habit to be better person'.

Let's start our day with good start! If there is a will, there is a way!

Thank you for reading!

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